Unfortunately Posterous has shut down and is no longer and option for blogging.
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of options to publish content to the web. What makes Posterous.com different? Posterous allows users to post by sending their information via email. Want to try it? Find a YouTube video or some content that you love to watch or would like to share (appropriate of course). Then email to mrwolotsky@posterous.com as an attachment or a link. In the subject area, put your name so we know who posted. Email it anyway you know how and Posterous will figure it out.
I will get an email you have posted and I will approve the post. You can see everyone's posts at mrwolotsky's Space - Home Remember, you will not see your post right away because I have to approve it. To help you set up your own Posterous website please email your technology integrator or give it a try yourself. Posterous is a super easy solution which requires minimal clicks for both staff and students. Below are some examples.
Students, in Ms. Hjorts AP Civics class, shared quality articles they found in Marvel.
Staff and Students collaborate for a Benefit Concert and use Posterous to share musical selections.
Great job Anne